SC Open Steel Flooring 21.5/100 25x3mm 20mm Ball Proof Grating 6 x 1m

SC Open Steel Flooring 21.5/100 25x3mm 20mm Ball Proof Grating 6 x 1m

20mm ball proof grating in mild steel to be used where the working platform or walkway is above a place where people are working (as opposed to people passing under occasionally). The maximum openings shall not permit the passage of a 20mm diameter sphere.

This open steel flooring 21.5/100 grating is typically used on walkways above machinery and permanent working areas where the risk to personnel from large objects falling from above is critical.

Bar is 25 x 3mm

183 kg
£305.20EACH Ex VAT @ 20%
£366.24EACH Inc VAT @ 20%
Quantity Price
1+ £305.20
5+ £293.00

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