Gas Gate Closer - Adjustment Tool (For use with 05GC03B and 05GC03W)

Gas Gate Closer - Adjustment Tool (For use with 05GC03B and 05GC03W)

Instructions for using the gas tool release

The preferred method of reducing the force of the gas struts is to move the fixing points of the gas strut at the gate post end nearer to the centre of the hinge of the gate. This reduces the leverage of the gas strut on the gate which results in a reduced closing force. The closing force can be increased by simply reversing the process. Slots are provided in the brackets supplied to make this procedure easy. The force of the gas strut can also be reduced by releasing some of the inert gas. This should be done carefully because the gas strut can only be refilled by the manufacturer and is chargeable.

To release gas:

  1. Remove the balL joint from the smaller diameter end of the gas strut.
  2. In the end of the threaded stud is a 2mm diameter hole. Some gas struts have a small screw in this hole, if this is the case remove the screw using a 2.5mm hex key.
  3. At the bottom of the 2mm hole is a high quality valve. Gas can be released through this valve in 2 ways.
  4. To release gas using the gas release tool, screw the tool on to the end of the stud ensuring that the gas strut is held vertical with the valve at the top. Screw the tool on carefully until it reaches the valve, then turn it another half turn very briefly and unscrew again. A small amount of gas will be heard escaping. Test the strut on the gate and repeat the process as required.
  5. Gas can also be released by inserting a flat ended pin into a 2mm hoe and gently tapping it with a hammer to release gas. Test the strut on the gate and repeat the process as required.

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.05 kg
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£8.04EACH Inc VAT @ 20%
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1+ £6.70
40+ £6.40

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