Instant Grab Adhesive - 290ml cartidge

Instant Grab Adhesive - 290ml cartidge

High strength solvent-free gap filling multi use adhesive


  • Cartridge: 290ml
  • Density: 1.40 - 1.50 g/cm³
  • Colour: White
  • Curing Rate: Initial - 30 mins. Final - 24-48 hours (depending on substrate)
  • Storage Conditions: Store in cool dry conditions between + 5°C and 25°C
  • Shelf Life: 24 months
  • Yield: ca. 10 linear metres cartridge and 7 linear meters Easi Squeeze (6mm bead)
.01 kg
£3.80EACH Ex VAT @ 20%
£4.56EACH Inc VAT @ 20%
Quantity Price
66+ £3.30

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