Natural Twilight Grey Deck Board Inc Clips/Screws

Natural Twilight Grey Deck Board Inc Clips/Screws

This page provides a square metre guidance price for this board. Please use the product links below to specify the exact quantity you require of the boards and clips. For the full range please click here.

Each Natural board is 140mm wide x 3660mm long, so that’s 0.512 square meters, meaning you need 1.95 boards for every square meter of finished deck (it is advisable to allow 5% extra for cutting and waste). You will also need 9 fixing clips and screws per board, plus 9 starter clips and screws per starter/finishing board. 

We also stock a full range of subframes, please click here to see the full range.

If you need further assistance, or have any questions about this product, please call us on Freephone 0808 3047068 to speak to one of our technical sales advisors.

20.982 kg
£57.50METRE Ex VAT @ 20%
£69.00METRE Inc VAT @ 20%
Quantity Price
1+ £57.50
18+ £55.20

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